Friday, March 20, 2020

Introduction to the Structure of U.S. Government

Introduction to the Structure of U.S. Government For all that it is and does, the United States federal government is based on a very simple system: Three functional branches with powers separated and limited by constitutionally declared checks and balances. The executive, legislative and judicial branches represent the constitutional framework envisioned by the Founding Fathers for our nations government. Together, they function to provide a system of lawmaking and enforcement based on checks and balances, and separation of powers intended to ensure that no individual or body of government ever becomes too powerful. For example: Congress (legislative branch) can pass laws, but the president (executive branch) can veto them.Congress can override the presidents veto.The Supreme Court (judicial branch) can declare a law approved by Congress and the president unconstitutional.The president can appoint judges to the Supreme Court, but Congress must approve them. Is the system perfect? Are powers ever abused? Of course, but as governments go, ours has been working quite well since Sept. 17, 1787. As Alexander Hamilton and James Madison remind us in Federalist 51, If men were angels, no government would be necessary. Recognizing the inherent moral paradox posed by a society in which mere mortals govern other mere mortals, Hamilton and Madison went on to write, In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place The Executive Branch The executive branch of the federal government ensures that the laws of the United States are obeyed. In carrying out this duty, the President of the United States is assisted by the Vice President, department heads – called Cabinet Secretaries – and the heads of the several independent agencies.   The executive branch consists of the president, the vice president and 15 Cabinet-level executive departments. The President The President of the United States is the elected leader of the country. As the head of state, the president is the leader of the federal government, and Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces. Elected according to the Electoral College process, the president serves a four-year term and is limited to serving no more than two terms. The Vice President The Vice President of the United States supports and advises the president. Under the process of presidential succession, the vice president becomes president if the president becomes unable to serve. The vice president can be elected and serve an unlimited number of four-year terms, even under multiple presidents. The Cabinet The members of the president’s cabinet serve as advisors to the president. The cabinet members include the vice president, heads or â€Å"secretaries† of the executive departments, and other high-ranking government officials. The heads of the executive departments are nominated by the president and must be confirmed by a simple majority vote of the Senate. Legislative Powers of the PresidentRequirements to Serve as PresidentPresidents Pay and Compensation The Legislative Branch The legislative branch, composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate, has the sole constitutional authority to enact laws, declare war and conduct special investigations. In addition, the Senate has the right to confirm or reject many presidential appointments.   The Senate There are a total of 100 elected Senators- two from each of the 50 states. Senators may serve an unlimited number of six-year terms. The House of Representatives ï » ¿There are currently 435 elected Representatives, according to the constitutional process of apportionment, the 435 Representatives are divided among the 50 states in proportion to their total population as reported by the most recent decennial U.S. Census. In addition, there are non-voting delegates who represent the District of Columbia and the territories in the House of Representatives. Representatives may serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The Powers of CongressRequirements to be a U.S. RepresentativeRequirements to be a U.S. SenatorSalaries and Benefits of U.S. Congress MembersHow Bills Become LawsWhy We Have a House and SenateThe Great Compromise: How Congress was Created The Judicial Branch Composed of federal judges and courts, the judicial branch interprets the laws enacted by Congress and when required, decides actual cases in which someone has been harmed. Federal judges, including Supreme Court justices, are not elected. Instead, they are appointed by the president and must be confirmed by the Senate. Once confirmed, federal judges serve for life unless they resign, die, or are impeached. The U.S. Supreme Court sits atop the judicial branch and federal court hierarchy and has the final say on all cases appealed to it by the lower courts. There are currently nine members of the Supreme Court- a Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. A quorum of six Justices is required to decide a case. In the event of tie vote by an even number of Justices, the decision of the lower court stands.   The 13 U.S. District Courts of Appeals sit just below the Supreme Court and hear cases appealed to them by the 94 regional U.S. District Courts which handle most federal cases.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Reading Comprehension for Beginners - My Office

Reading Comprehension for Beginners - My Office Read the paragraph which describes my office. Pay special attention to the use of prepositions in the reading selection. Youll find useful vocabulary and quizzes below to test your understanding.   My Office Like most offices, my office is a place where I can concentrate on my work and feel comfortable at the same time. Of course, I have all the necessary equipment on my desk. I have the telephone next to the fax machine on the right side of my desk. My computer is in the center of my desk with the monitor directly in front of me. I have a comfortable office chair to sit on and some pictures of my family between the computer and the telephone. In order to help me read, I also have a lamp near my computer which I use in the evening if I work late. There is plenty of paper in one of the cabinet drawers. There are also staples and a stapler, paper clips, highlighters, pens and erasers in the other drawer. I like to use highlighters to remember important information. In the room, there is a comfortable armchair and a sofa to sit on. I also have a low table in front of the sofa on which there are some industry magazines. Useful Vocabulary armchair - a comfortable, padded chair that has arms on which to rest your armscabinet - a piece of furniture that holds objectsdesk - a piece of furniture on which you write or use your computer, fax, etc.drawer - a space which opens for you to store things inequipment - items used to complete tasksfurniture - a word referring to all the places to sit, work, store things, etc.highlighter - a bright pen with a thick tip which is usually green or bright yellowlaptop - a computer you can carry with youpaperclip - a metal clip that holds pieces of paper togetherstapler - a piece of equipment used to staple papers together Multiple-Choice Comprehension Check Questions Choose the correct answer based on the reading.   1. What do I need to do in my office?   A) relax B) concentrate C) study D) read magazines 2. Which piece of equipment do I NOT have on my desk?   A) fax B) computer C) lamp D) photocopier 3. Where are the pictures of my family located?   A) on the wall B) next to the lamp C) between the computer and the telephone D) near the fax 4. I use the lamp to read:   A) all day B) never C) in the morning D) in the evening 5. Where do I keep the paperclips?   A) on the desk B) next to the lamp C) in a cabinet drawer D) next to the telephone 6. What do I keep on the table in front of the sofa?   A) company reports B) fashion magazines C) books D) industry magazines True or False Decide if the statements are true or false based on the reading.   I work late every night.  I use highlighters to help me remember important information.  I keep reading materials that are not related to my job in the office.  I dont need a lamp to help me read.It is important to me to feel comfortable at work. Using Prepositions Fill each gap with a preposition used in the reading. I have the telephone _____ the fax machine on the right side of my desk.The monitor is directly _____ me.I sit _____ my comfortable office chair.I also have a lamp _____ my computer.I put the stapler, pens, and erasers ______ the drawer.I have a table _____ the sofa.  There are lots of magazines _____ the table. Answers Multiple-Choice B - concentrateD - photocopierC - between the computer and the telephoneD - in the eveningC - in a cabinet drawerD - industry magazines Answers True or False   FalseTrueFalseFalseTrue Answers Using Prepositions next toin front ofonnearinin front ofon Continue reading with these appropriate reading comprehension selections.