Monday, September 30, 2019


Through my study of micehal gows novel away, the documentary Cinderalla Children and the novel Fight Club, i now agree with Marcell Proust that â€Å" We dont recieve wisdom we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one else can take for us†. The individuals in these texts gain wisdom from their journeys as a result of their experiences, perspective and personal growth, however some choose to use their wisdom more wisely than others. This proves that wisdom can not be received but rather we must discover it for ourselves.The character that is seen to undergo the most profound change within the text ‘Away’ , by Michael Gow in my eyes, is Coral. We are introduced to Coral to be in an emotionally fragile condition, grieving the death of her son. She is seen to have alienated herself from society, and has a strained relationship with her husband Roy, unable to conform to his expectations. Coral’s psychological state is clearly depicted in the so liloquy Gow has utilised in Act One – Scene Three.Through her speech we understand that she is in an unstable state, as suggested at the beginning of the soliloquy, where she states, â€Å"When that woman woke up and saw that donkey at her feet I thought my heart would break. † This line generally depicts her detachment and alienation from society, through the inconceivable language used. Throughout irene gleesons life ( before the thought of the cinderella children project even started ) she had experienced pain and truma due to her past but she had a very strong faith in Christ which she believed helped her through her drakest days.With her fatherless home and harsh childhood, he grew to become a motherfigure to her family, even though later down the track her marriage broke down which resulting in her leaving her faith in god for a spiritual search, but through trialing other religions she returned to her Christian faith even more determined to help. She grew to kno w jesus as the only husband she needed. So before she knew it she had sold her dream beach house and her possessions to afford the big move with her caravan over to kitgum, Uganda.This is where the idea that gaining wisdom through out past experiences or journeys it may not seem relevant at the time but fundememntally help you when your struggling. The main character in Fight Club is the narrator and the main themes of the story are loneliness, materialism, and freedom from society. Tyler was created because of the lack of connection the narrator had with the people around him. The narrator was lonely and attended so many support groups because of it. He was not rejected at the support groups because the members thought he was sick just like they were.Materialism is a reoccurring theme as the narrator mentions how he has worked his entire life for the Ikea items in his apartment. He tried to fill the void in his life by buying worthless, meaningless stuff. People spend too much time working for things they do not need. The narrator comes to the conclusion that, â€Å"You are not your job or your possessions. † Only once a person realizes that can he or she finally let go and start living. â€Å"It’s only after you’ve lost everything,† Tyler says, â€Å"that you’re free to do anything. † In order to be free, we must not care about the stuff we own.When Tyler states â€Å"The things you own, end up owning you† it really opens the narrators eyes too see what he has based his life around†¦ †stuff†. Our whole lives are spent working to pay for stuff. If we did not have stuff to pay for, we would not have to work as hard and our time could be spent doing something more meaningful. This idea is also conveyed through the character Gwen from Michael Gow’s Away. A major conflict near the end of the story is between Tyler Durden and the narrator. The narrator discovered Tyler was a figment of his im agination and he wanted to stop him.The narrator wanted to get rid of Tyler, end Project Mayhem, and all of the Fight Clubs. Tyler did not want to leave and this conflict was resolved with the narrator shooting himself and killing Tyler. Tyler was created as someone the narrator always wanted to be. Tyler was the narrator’s hero and the narrator envied everything Tyler stood for. The narrator started to lose his own conformist identity and become more and more like Tyler. As the novel progressed, the narrator grew more miserable while becoming Tyler. Becoming Tyler was emotionally and physically draining for the narrator.Throughout the novel, the narrator is battling his former self and Tyler. He tried to find a happy medium between the two extremes. Towards the end, the narrator found this to be an impossible task as Tyler began to take over more and more. The narrator could not allow Tyler to continue controlling his life and destroying society so he had to shoot Tyler and himself in the process. â€Å"We need a break. We need a change† (Act Two – Scene Four). Gow has applied short and direct sentences to correspond Coral’s obstinacy and determination towards change.The repetition of ‘we need a†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ reflects how Coral has prioritised change, and her views of change being a necessity. These techniques effectively suggest Coral’s acceptance towards change. Coral conjuncts the connotation of the holiday with positive implications, evident through her statement; ‘We’ll have a wonderful, wonderful time’ (Act Two – Scene Four). Repetition is prevalent once again in this excerpt, and has been used by Gow to portray her positive attitude in regards to the opportunity to change.This is where the idea that transformation on a journey comes from acceptance and letting go of past hurts that control you. The explicit meaning of the story in Fight Club is that Tyler made Fight Club for a way for men to overcome the frustrations of their professional and personal lives. There are no rules or limits as to how far Tyler will go to fulfil his goal. The implicit meaning is that Fight Club was made as an answer to the rejection of a consumer society is with the use of violence. Fighting was a way to free a man from society.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Case study of dove soap Essay

â€Å"I think Canada was just really ready for it,† says Aviva Groll, group account director at Ogilvy, who has worked on Dove since 2004. â€Å"There was a lot of support internally at Unilever, it struck a chord†¦ [It was] a time of great experimentation and great leadership that allowed that to happen. † Groll also notes that having the budget available and co-operation amongst the product categories to allow for a campaign centred on the brand as a whole meant everything fell into place for a Canada-first launch. What followed was unexpected buzz as the campaign gained traction around the world, becoming a major water cooler topic before the days of social media spreading ideas like wildfire. New Dove products were launched using the same creative idea – showing real women with different hair types, skin types and body types, loving themselves and their favourite Dove products, often in their underwear. While the water cooler buzz and media attention escalated (Oprah had those underwear-clad women on her show), one of the most talked-about aspects of the campaign came as a complete surprise to MacLeod and her team – the viral power of striking the right chord. By now, almost everyone has seen the â€Å"Evolution† video on YouTube (12 million people and counting), depicting a woman who gets transformed, through makeup and Photoshop, into a model, proving that even The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Canaanites Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Canaanites - Research Paper Example Actually speaking, God allowed Canaanites a time span of 400 years so that their abominations could ripen to receive the justice of God. By ordering the Israelites to attack and exterminate the Canaanites, God achieved two objectives. First and foremost, He brought a true and righteous judgment on the deserving Canaanites. The Canaanites’ gods were known to engage in varied types of abominations that included bestiality and incest. Secondly, by commanding the extermination of the Canaanites, God succeeded in preparing the land for His true followers so as to give way to an appropriate religious setting to justify the advent of the Messiah, who had to redeem both the Israelites and the Gentiles. Therefore, to be able to grasp a possible insight into the ways of God within a Biblical context, it is imperative to delve on the history, religion and the culture of the abominable people like Canaanites. History of Canaanites Canaanites are the people variedly described throughout th e historical and biblical records. Yet, most of the times the Canaanites were shown to be centered in Palestine (Driver 24). Perhaps the native, pre Israelite inhabitants of Palestine were known by the name Canaanites. The term Canaan and Canaanites could be traced in the ancient Egyptian records dating back to fifteenth century BC and more profusely in the Old Testament. Geographically speaking, varied biblical and historical records tend to place Canaanites in varied locations. As per some records, Canaan referred to an area encompassing most of Syria and Palestine (Driver 136). As per some other records, Canaan ascribed to the land lying to the west of Jordan River (Driver 136). Some records consider Canaan merely to be a strip of coastal land to the north of Acre (Driver 146). It was some time at the ebb end of the second millennium BC that the Israelites conquered and exterminated Canaanites. The Holy Bible tends to justify the extermination of Canaanites by associating Canaan with the Promised Land that was promised by God to the Israelites and their descendents. The origins of the word ‘Canaanite tends to be a bit disputed. However, many historians believe that the word ‘Canaanite’ originated from an ancient Semitic word meaning â€Å"reddish purple†, related to the rich purple dye that was manufactured in the area of Canaan or the wool dyed in a rich purple color (Driver 135). The Bible identifies Canaanites to be the descendents of Ham. Canaan happened to be the brother of Mizarim and the fourth son of Ham. Actually speaking, it was Canaan who happened to be the grandson of Noah, who was cursed by Noah in Genesis. In that context, historically speaking, Canaanites tend to have a vicious and evil ancestor. Perhaps, with the passage of time, Canaanites metamorphosed into a general term referring to all the tribes that inhabited the west of Dead Sea and the East of Jordan River. As per the available historical findings, the paga n ancestry of the Canaanites could be traced back to Paleolithic and Mesolithic ages (McCown 77). It was sometime during the Bronze Age that Semitic people are known to appear in the area known by the name Canaan (McCown 77). It was primarily the Semitic Amorites who entered Canaan from the northeast

Friday, September 27, 2019

Harley-Davidson in 2004..2011 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Harley-Davidson in 2004..2011 - Essay Example The global market consumers consider all the factors while purchasing the motorbikes because the motorbikes in most of the countries are used by means of transport or the consumers who does not afford the cost of maintaining car: The motorbike industry of US is different from the international market because the US consumers do not use the motorbikes by means of transport. So US consumers do not consider all the above factors except superior quality. Every country has its own economic conditions that are different from the other country. In motorbike industry of under developing countries the consumers consider these factors: cheap in cost, average in quality, fuel efficient and spare parts available at cheap prices. And in the developed countries the focus of the consumers on superior quality, innovative features and designs etc. the economic conditions of a country creates a big difference in the consumer preferences. 2.1-The motorbike industry is growing very fast for the last two decades and now the total number of motorbikes in the world is around 200 million. It’s a very huge market with a huge growth every year. Many bug multinational entering in this fast growing market because in the under developing countries motorbikes is used as a means of transport and in developed countries it is used with a broad perception. Harley Davidson associates its brand image with life style of customers. Its market is increasing because today’s consumer associate it self with the product’s characteristics to build its personal image as a products image. This trend makes the market of Harley Davidson more effective and appealing. Harley Davidson is most selling motorbike brand in US market and containing a highest market share in the US motorbike industry. The sales and the market share of Harley Davidson in the US motorbike industry

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Consumer behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Consumer behaviour - Essay Example efines what constitutes marketing, explores the dynamics of consumer motivation, and then links these conceptions with consumer behaviour, using relevant examples, to understand how marketers respond to consumer behaviours and serve to influence them. Personal self-reflections by the researcher involving two consumption scenarios, with focus on the Tu clothing line by Sainsbury’s and the smartphone company, Blackberry, are explored in order to justify or refute theories of motivation, consumer behaviour and marketing that are investigated in the report’s review of literature. The explorations of theory versus real-world experiences in consumer behaviour and marketing underpin a relevant discussion about the relevancy of various motivational and behavioural models. By evaluating theory and then applying it to real-life consumption decisions, it provides a framework by which to critique various theoretical models or provide ample support for their viability and relevancy in what drives consumption decision-making. Exploration of secondary research underpins the investigation of primary research reflection and establishes a conceptual framework of best practice for today’s marketers that are marketing products to consumers fitting my personal target market profile. Marketing is a set of activities within an organisation that attempt to communicate a product or service’s value to potential or existing customers, with the intention of ensuring sales of these goods or services. Marketing is a series of different processes which assist in satisfying the needs of important target customers that effective describe the benefits that customers will receive by selecting one company’s products over a competitor (Kotler and Keller 2009). There are many techniques involved in an organisation’s marketing process, including selection of desirable target markets through segmentation and analyses of consumers and other market conditions. A firm must understand consumer

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Research Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Research Project - Assignment Example Predicated on front hypothetical discourse in regards to picture, an observational examination was directed to test the relationship proposed here. Numerous thing designators from front studies were utilized. Outcomes designate that there is a relationship between data sources and end picture. Following how clients procure data is fundamental for showcasing administration choices. This is particularly correct for lodging, peregrinate and tourism items. Research has exhibited that vacationer data is a profitable notion in comprehension goal picture and the terminus winnow methodology of travellers. Data sources have been incorporated in numerous look into acts as weighty calculates for the dissection of traveller mien. For example, to begin with, the greater part of the travellers comportment demonstrates joined the pursuit of outside data as a fundamental segment. Second, a few studies have analyzed the impact of data sources on voyagers' inclinations and aims. Different studies have fixated on the relationship between data sources, objective winnow and peregrinate choices. ... On the other hand, travelers figure pictures of elective objectives, so picture withal develops as a discriminating element in the objective select process (Goodman, 2004 p 34) . This is steady with the idea that data sources and the characteristics of the diverse ends structure the substratum for distinctive picture and experience prospects. In incorporation, the data wellsprings of traveller exercises have transmuted enormously in the course of recent years, due firstly to the effect of nascent innovations; besides, to the change in vacationer purchaser deportment, thirdly to the expand in the amount of traveler ends of the line, and determinately to the developing rivalry around distinctive goals. As a result, data sources may as well meet one principle objective so as to be recognized as solid actualizes for objective advancement. Advancement is apperceived by numerous as a discriminating component in tourism advertising. Around the cluster of limited time strategies accessible, the peregrinate leaflet is a standout amongst the most central and broadly used For quite some time, peregrinate pamphlets have been used by national, state and common place administrations, gathering and guests' bureaux and cement ends of the line as reasonable and diverse correspondence executes. Thus, the fundamental point of this study is to distinguish those objective characteristics which help assemble a positive objective picture, and to investigate the part of data sources in the structuring of the positive terminus picture. All the more unequivocally, this study focuses on the investigation of pamphlets as an advancement betokens for visitor objectives and as impelled picture engenderers. Adventitiously, it attempts to make a relationship between the bona fide end of the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fire service administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Fire service administration - Essay Example he company has various departments such as the exploration department, the FrPD department that is responsible for providing protection against fire in the company and the training department that is responsible to offer the employees training in order to ensure that they are effective in carrying out their duties. It has fire advanced training center where the employees undergo rigorous training before they are given the responsibility to protect its facilities and also the people. In my essay, I will look at the training department that came up with ‘the all innovativeness program.’ I will use the systems approach in analyzing how the organization implemented the program, the problems it faced and how the management is involved in implementation of the program. This is a program that was started when the company discovered that the people had great potential. In the program, the management welcomed the employee’s ideas and encouraged them to submit ideas for improving the company performance. The vice-president told the management committee that the subordinates had the ability to run the organization. The submission of their ideas was made possible through the web management system where the employees were to post their ideas. 3,500 ideas were submitted in the year 2002 and they kept on increasing and by the year 2009, 80,000 ideas were submitted. The company took their ideas into consideration and this saved the organization a great deal. The company also appreciated the synergy value in the program that comes due to the interaction between people. The company thought, planned and coordinated various employees from various departments and took their ideas into consideration when they trained them because of the realization that the people they were dealing with were professionals who had a lot of experience. It has a well-organized and efficient way of decision making that is clear to all the employees. It kept in mind the potential of each

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Ideal Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Ideal Society - Essay Example Thus, in this regard, it can be affirmed that the roles of criminal justice system are also getting extended with the increase in the aforesaid factors (Hargraves, 2006; Davis, 1983). The different factors that are related to an ideal society, which comprise equality, justice and liberty are found to be interrelated with each other. This can be justified with reference to the fact that in order to maintain the balance of equality amid the people in a society, justice plays an indispensable role. In this regard, justice not only tends to punish a culprit but also provides the right judgment to the right one and maintains discipline in a society. Apart from these factors, the role play by the police, respective governments and military also contribute in forming an ideal society. The government, judicial, police and military are regarded as the legal representatives that possess certain constitutional rights (Hargraves, 2006; Davis, 1983). With this concern, the essay intends to discuss about various important aspects that contribute in establishing an ideal society and also a comparison will be made amid these factors to acquire a brief understanding about the current criminal justice system prevailing in a society. While discussing about the characteristics of law as well as order in an ideal society, it will be vital to mention that the prime intent of law is to keep a particular society running with following certain effective legal guidelines. Specially mentioning, to maintain harmony in a society, both law and order needs to be maintained at the optimum level. To make an ideal society, a society needs to be crime free. Thus, to attain this objective, the notion of criminal law and criminal justice system plays an imperative role. In this modern day context, the main feature of criminal justice system is observed to be prohibiting the conduct of illegal

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Macbet Act II Scene II Essay Example for Free

Macbet Act II Scene II Essay This scene was one of the most significant, as it the scene where Macbeth murders Duncan, but feels remorse and guilt afterwards. The murder is not shown so that it is left to the audiences imagination. Also, to signify that the murder has taken place, an owl shrieks. This was thought to be a sign of a bad omen, and it suggests that it is upsetting the natural balance of things (at that time people believed that everything had a natural order and to change this would change other things), as even the natural world knows that Duncan has been murdered. Shakespeare creates tension by setting the scene at night so that when Macbeth returned, Lady Macbeth did not know who it was at first and for a moment she thinks that Macbeth had not succeeded in killing Duncan and the attendants had woken up, and she says; thattempt and not the deed confounds us meaning that if Macbeth only tried to murder Duncan and did not succeed then they would be ruined. Macbeths character so far is shown as noble and loyal, as in act 1 scene 2 Macbeth is talked about as being; A good and hardy soldier (line 4). In reward for his greatness, Duncan awards Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor (as the witches predicted). Macbeth does have some ambition, because when the witches tell him he is going to be king, he wants to speak more to Banquo about it. However, in his letter to Lady Macbeth, he says; Art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it meaning that he would like to be king but not attain it by bad deeds. Lady Macbeths thoughts are that she wants Duncan to be killed. She calls on evil spirits to give her the strength to do it; Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from the crown to toe topfull of direst cruelty; make thick my blood, stop thaccess and passage to remorse (Act 1 scene 5, lines 39-43) which means evil spirits- make me as strong willed as a man and fill me with cruelty, and make me have no remorse. The setting of act 2 scene 2 is Macbeths castle. This is shown as quit an eerie setting, as you can hear noises from the outside, and it very dark. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are on stage. In lines 1-8, Lady Macbeth is feeling bold, from line 1; That which hath made them drunk, hath made me bold. She comments on how she had drugged the attendants, and she says in lines 7-8; That death and nature do contend about them, whether they live, or die. This shows that she is not really concerned whether they live or die. However, in line 9 she begins to worry that they have been caught, and also says; Had he [Duncan] not resembled my father as he slept, I had donet, showing that she is not completely evil, as she could not murder Duncan as he resembled her father. At the end of the scene she becomes strong, as she takes the daggers from Macbeth (as he brought them back) and goes and puts them back. Macbeths mood is that of distress and remorse. This is shown by the fact that he accidentally brings back the daggers when he was supposed to place the by the attendants. This creates dramatic tension, as this would incriminate Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. At he end of the scene, Macbeth feels he cant live with himself, and says in line 76; To know my deed, twere best not know my self meaning that if he is to acknowledge what he has done, he must assume a new identity, as a murderer, and forget who he really is. Dialogue on and off the stage is that of death. Lady Macbeth tries to reassure Macbeth that he has he has done the right thing, as he is very disturbed about what he has done. The dialogue also shows how the outside and natural world is reacting to what has been done; the owl hooting, the crickets crying, the knocking and also when someone laughed in their sleep and one cried Murder! (Line 25) The effect of these noises reflects the beliefs of that time that to change the natural order of things (how things naturally turn out) is to affect everything. It creates tension by suggesting that the outside world will find out and Macbeth will be punished. The audiences response is that they feel that something supernatural is happening, due to the noises, and to the images Macbeth sees and sounds he hears, like the voice he hears (lines 44-46) saying he will sleep no more. When Macbeth first appears on the scene, his first words are (line 14); I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise? The words I have done the deed suggest that he cannot bring himself to admit what he has done. The words didst thou not hear a noise? suggest that he expected to be caught, and that someone would have heard and come after him. His conversation with Lady Macbeth is that he is in some way shocked about what has happened. He says what he heard, and in lines 38-39, and 33-34, Lady Macbeth talks to him but he doesnt hear her as he is too deep in his own thoughts. Macbeth uses short, sharp sentences; like when?As I descended?Hark, who lies ithsecond chamber?This is a sorry sight (lines 17, 19, 21 and 23), because he is repeating what happened, and he is very distraught about what he has done. This effects the audience by creating tension, as Macbeth seems to have gone mad. In lines 29-36 Macbeth says how he could not pronounce Amen after someone cried God bless us. This shows that Macbeth does not feel he deserves Gods blessings, as he is too evil. In lines 38-46, Macbeth says that he heard a voice saying that he had murdered sleep. This shows his guilt that he will never be able to sleep again, and his remorse, as he shall never have peace from what he has done. Lady Macbeths reaction is to tell him not to keep thinking about these thoughts, and to reassure him. She is aware that they must put the daggers back, so at this point she has no guilt or remorse. When Macbeth comes back after murdering Duncan, he is carrying the daggers he used. This suggests to the audience that he is not in a proper frame of mind, and is still shocked by what he has done. It also suggests that he is not in control. Lady Macbeth had told him to leave them by the attendants to incriminate them. When he comes back, Lady Macbeth tells him to go and put them, back, but when he wont, she does it. This shows that she does not mind blaming innocent people. The audiences reaction is that she is very much in control, and knows what both of them must do. Macbeth will not go back because he says; Ill go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done; look ont again, I dare not. This reveals his guilt because he can hardly comprehend that he has done something so awful. This also shows his conscience, as he says I dare not, showing he does not know what his reaction would be, so knows he is not in control of himself. When Macbeth returns, his hands are red with Duncans blood. Once Lady Macbeth puts the daggers back, her hands are also red. Macbeth says in lines 63-65; Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No: this my hand will rather the multitudinous sea incarnadine. This means that he feels that all the seas in the world could not ash the blood off his hands, and that instead his hands would turn all the oceans red, and also that it will never wash off the blood stain on his conscience, so he feels that he will never be as innocent as he was before the murder. Lady Macbeth says in lines 67-68; My hands are of your colour, but I shame to wear a heart so white. The words my hands are of your colour mean that her hands are red, but also that she is now as guilty of the murder as Macbeth is. The words but I shame to wear a heart so white means that she is criticising her husband, by saying that she would not want to be so cold and heartless. The washing of the hands is significant later because Lady Macbeth sleepwalks and washes her hands in her sleep. Macbeths feelings are of extreme guilt and in line 62 he says; What hands are here? Ha: they pluck out mine eyes. This means that he wishes he did not have any eyes so he did not have to see the blood of the man he murdered. At the end of the scene, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth hear knocking. Lady Macbeth does not show any guilt or conscience, as she is only concerned with them getting back to their rooms to not seem suspicious and to get rid of the blood on their hands. Macbeth says how he cannot carry on if he does not forget who he is as he has a bas conscience, and in line 77 he says; Wake Duncan with thy knocking: I would thou couldst. This shows that he wishes Duncan was still alive, so feels guilty about him being dead. The audiences reaction is that they feel slightly sorry for Macbeth, as he was pressured into the murder by Lady Macbeth and know has to live with his guilt. This scene is the turning point of the play, because it is the point of no return; after Duncan is murdered there is no way Macbeth can go back. It is also the start of Macbeths journey from good to evil. At this point his guilt is at its highest, and later he is a bloody tyrant. This is because Lady Macbeth reassures him that once this is done everything will be fine, so he kills because he feels he has to, but later he kills because he is angry (act 4 scene 2). Lady Macbeth also changes. In the beginning, she is in control and has no conscience, but in the end, she is so out of control and so guilty that she kills herself. Her change is also shown by her speech, as in act 2, scene 2, line 70, she says; a little water clears us of this deed, whereas in act 5, scene 1, lines 44-45, she says: all the perfumes in Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Also, she begins to sleepwalk and acts out washing her hands. Finally, in act 5, scene 9, lines 37-38, Malcolm says about Lady Macbeth; by self and violent hands took off her life. This has a double meaning for the audience, as it means Lady Macbeth killed herself, but it could also be interpreted and by her violence and her guilt (of her blood-stained hands) she killed her soul. The ending of act 2 scene 2 creates dramatic tension by ending with Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both in different frames of mind; Lady Macbeth making sure they dont get caught and Macbeth lost in thought and guilty over what he has done.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Kraft and Cadbury Merger Essay Example for Free

Kraft and Cadbury Merger Essay What is the role of the government in this merger? What is the impact on the shareholders, what are their thoughts about it and is it a successful merger or not. Other than Kraft and Cadbury four aspects of doing business internationally has been discussed and their influence in an international business career. 1. 1 How and why Kraft identified Cadbury as a potential partner? On 19th January 2010 Kraft the American Giant, acquired Cadbury the most popular and one of the most selling brand in chocolates for . 5bn. The reason for Kraft to identify Cadbury as its potential partner and even after Cadbury rejected its first bid on 7th September 2009, and then came up with a higher bid, was that Kraft wanted to bring in the most loved British Chocolates to USA, because the chocolates that America produces are only loved by American’s and are not so loved around the world, while they targeted the British company because they make better chocolates plus they wanted to get into the British market and to get into the British market remaining into the food industry they could not identify a better option than acquiring Cadbury by merging these two companies one they capture the British market of dairy food plus they introduce their products into Britain and the Cadbury products into USA having the plus points of both cultures. Expected benefits Kraft is the second largest Food beverage company in the world, which produced revenue of 49. billion USD in the year 2010 (Kraftfoodscompany, (2011) and is operating in more than 150 counties worldwide and has an Employee number of around 100,000. Where as Cadbury on the other hand is the second largest Confectionary Company in the world, which produced revenue of 5. 38 billion USD in the year 2008 (Cadbury annual report, 2008) and has a very strong hold in Asia Pacific and Latin America and has an Employee number of around 70,000. When these two giants combine, one American Giant and other British Giant, they both can conquer the food industry if they both are managed well. In 2010 Kraft already made revenue increase of 0. 7 billion USD from 2008 to 2010 after the take over of Cadbury (CNN, 2011). Kraft and Cadbury can both work very well and can avail a lot of benefits from each other provided that both them work together, because Kraft has its own management too large in scale and Cadbury as well. 1. 3 Synergies for both companies involved? After the merger of Kraft and Cadbury, both companies are expected to have revenue synergies and have an increase of the net revenue of up to 5% or more. They are targeting the long-term output for it. Which as a result will increase the net revenue. The combined company (Kraft and Cadbury) is targeting to increase their per share cost in 2011 of approximately $0. 05 and on the basis of cash. These two companies combined can make a lot of revenue. Parliament publication, 2012) Other than that Cadbury has other channels of gaining revenue like gas filling stations, corner shops which are well being forced by Cadbury and on the other hand Kraft has a strong hold on supermarkets and groceries. As they are merged now the overall distribution will be higher for Kraft and Cadbury and their revenue will increase. Both of the companies has opposite markets that they have captured for Cadbury they have a large influence in Asia, Africa, Mexico and Turkey and for Kraft they have more influence in Brazil and China. By combining together they both can capture almost every market around the globe. The total value of the British chocolate confectionery sector amounts to approximately EUR 3. 9 billion. In the UK, the parties activities overlap only in the markets of tablets and pralines. Kraft is active in tablets and pralines mainly with its brands Milka, Toblerone and Terrys chocolate Orange, and Cadbury with its brands Dairy Milk, Roses and Green amp; Black. (http://ec. europa. eu/competition/mergers/cases/decisions/m5644_20100106_20212_en. pdf page 9 ) (Kraft Foods Official 2011 Report) 1. 4 The risks associated with the choice of acquisition as an approach to this particular ‘partnership’ The first and last risk which is associated with this particular partnership is of keeping their word. The official position of the Fairtrade Foundation is the following: The Fairtrade Foundation is very proud of our relationship with Cadbury, and what we have achieved together, including the conversion of Cadbury Dairy Milk to Fairtrade in the UK and Ireland in 2009, now being extended to three other international markets Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This has had a tremendously positive public response, and is delivering major benefits to cocoa farmers in Ghana, quadrupling the amount they are able to sell on Fairtrade terms in 2010, compared to 2008. The Fairtrade Foundation and Cadbury have a shared vision for the future, and there are contractual commitments in place, which will form part of any intellectual property transfer between Cadbury and Kraft in any takeover. We believe that the progress we have made together in strengthening cocoa farmers to deliver long term sustainability of the cocoa supply chain, along with a fast growing level of consumer demand for Fairtrade products, not just in the UK but globally, present a unique and compelling case for continuing to pursue the Cadbury commitment to their Cocoa Partnership and to Fairtrade, and taking it even further in coming months and years. Treehugger, 2012) According to the Official Statement, they will perform Fairtrade for both the companies and Kraft confirmed that it would uphold Cadbury’s commitments to Fairtrade which were that: †¢ Dairy Milk will continue to be Fairtrade in the UK and Northern Ireland and in three more markets, Canada, Australia and New Zealand by early 2010; †¢ Green amp; Black’s (which is owned by Cadbury) will move its entire range to Fairtrade by the end of 2011. (http://www. publications. parliament. uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmbis/234/234. df ) But no one is quiet happy with the outcome of the merger. Because Kraft did not really act upon what they stated to do before the merger, expression of the former first Minister of Scotland Jack McConnell asked Kraft in the Scottish Parliament to Honour the Fairtrade Part of the deal, he said There have been concerns expressed for many years that Kraft has never shown any enthusiasm for fair trade and therefore this must be under threat as a result of the takeover. (Treehugger, 2012). Warren Buffett isnt too keen now either. Discussing the CEO of Kraft, he said She thinks this is a good deal, I think its a bad deal. Mind you, he is probably not worrying about the fairtrade aspect. Cadburys 6,000 UK workers are also worried, because it is a hi risk for the workers to now work at Cadbury under the American Management which has already influenced the Cadbury management. 1. 5 Feasible alternative? The most feasible alternative to Kraft for Cadbury was Hershey Chocolates, which is also an American Chocolate brand. In 2009 before the hostile takeover of Cadbury by Kraft, Cadbury talked to Hershey personal to include themselves in the bid so they can recommend Hershey over Kraft to its shareholders and are taken over by Hershey, but unfortunately Hershey did not want to be the part of the bidding war over Cadbury with Kraft because Hershey is its self weighing up. Even for Kraft Hershey was a good alternative over Cadbury because both are American Companies and would understand eachother easily rather than taking over a company is a completely different region, Ferrero maker of Rocher chocolate and Nutella is also a very good alternative for Cadbury but at the time of bid according to Trevor Datson the spokesperson for Cadbury said the company had no comment. No one at Ferrero was immediately available for comment. Involvement of National and corporate cultures Neither is the Nation nor the Corporate section is happy with the merger of the both companies, because for public there is a fear of cutting off more than 6000 jobs is Britian and more than 46,000 globally so people working at Cadbury are really afraid to work at it and other than employees the Corporate personal are also in fear of that the world leading brands like Dairy Milk, Flake and Wipsa are at risk with this merger and the shareholder are also not very happy with the $11. 5 bn deal. Critical Evaluation of both the companies about this Partnership Both of the companies had their own management and their own way of doing business around the world. As Kraft is majorly dairy products maker and is being loved by that around the world. Where as Cadbury is also a very well known name in the chocolate industry, because a lot of people in United Kingdom and at other major parts of the world such as Asia and Africa Cadbury is really loved for chocolate. As through the analysis this is a very hostile takeover i. e. , between Kraft and Cadbury, after taking over Cadbury Kraft accepted some of the points that they will do and keep is at it is and after that takeover they did not manage to fulfill those commitments which lead to misunderstanding between these two companies after their merger. As Kraft agreed that they will stick to Faretrade organization and to keep the same cocoa supplier as Cadbury had before and before the merger Cadbury was to close one of their plants but after merger Kraft did not do so and now they are facing these problems which are not very good in the long run for both of the companies. Involvement Of the Government In this hostile takeover not just the employees and shareholders but also the government, had and also has issues with this mergers. With the merger of Kraft Foods and Cadbury a number of important issues have bin highlighted in the way through which the foreign takeovers of UK companies are conducted.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Understanding The Concepts Of Green Chemistry Environmental Sciences Essay

Understanding The Concepts Of Green Chemistry Environmental Sciences Essay Our environment, which is endowed by nature, needs to be protected from ever increasing chemical pollution associated with contemporary lifestyles and emerging technologies. India, 2nd largest producer of pesticides and ranked 12th in pharmaceutical production, is fast emerging as top 5 player in selected petrochemicals. The challenge for the institution and industries is to come together and pursue development in the field of greener chemistry by reducing or eliminating the use and generation of hazardous substances. We have organized a national and an international symposium for promoting Green Chemistry in India, which has provided the platform for interaction of concepts among the leading scientist. Moreover a refresher course of three weeks for college teachers on eco-friendly chemistry has also been organized earlier to promote awareness and facilitate education training and the practice of green chemistry in academic institutions. The main idea behind is to activate work towar ds green chemistry for which involvement of academic, industrial, governmental and non-governmental bodies is needed collectively which will help the designing and development of environment friendly chemistry practices in India. Contents Introduction. Principles of green chemistry. Sustainable development. Atom economy. Reactions in green chemistry. Reducing toxicity. Green analytical chemistry. What can green chemistry do? Why green chemistry? What is the role of chemist in green chemistry? Graph of published articles in journals. Examples of green chemistry. Examples of investigatory projects in green chemistry Future products. Some basic ways in which we go about green product development. Values of green chemistry in innovation, application and technology: Indian Scenario. Some recent developments and examples in green chemistry. Government initiatives. Introduction Green chemistry: Green chemistry may be defined as the invention ,design ,and application of chemical product and process to reduce the eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances. Therefore, green chemistry is a tool not only for minimizing the negative impact of those procedures aimed at optimizing efficiency, although clearly both impact minimization and process optimization are legitimate and complementary objectives of the subject. Green chemistry, however, also recognizes that there are significant consequences to the use of hazardous substances, ranging from regulatory, handling and transport, and liability issues, to name a few. To limit the definition to deal with waste only, would be to address only part of the problem. Green chemistry is applicable to all aspects of the product life cycle as well.   Finally, the definition of green chemistry includes the term hazardous. It is important to note that green chemistry is a way of dealing with risk reduction and pollution prevention by addressing the intrinsic hazards of the substances rather than those circumstances and conditions of their use that might increase their risk. Green chemistry is not complicated although it is often elegant. Green chemistry applies to any type of chemistry such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, bio chemistry, analytical chemistry and even physical chemistry. Green chemistry is mainly for industrial area. The main goal of green chemistry is to minimizing the hazard and maximizing the efficiency of any chemical choice. Green chemistry can be applies on organic chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and biochemistry. Mainly green chemistry focuses on industrial applications. The main goal of green chemistry is to minimizing the hazard and maximizing the efficiency of any chemical choice. Principles of green chemistry:- There are twelve principles of green chemistry. It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed. Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the incorporation of all materials used in the process into the final product. Wherever practicable, synthetic methodologies should be designed to use and generate substances that possess little or no toxicity to human health and the environment. Chemical products should be designed to preserve efficacy of function while reducing toxicity. The use of auxiliary substances (solvents, separation agents, etc.) should be made unnecessary whenever possible and innocuous when used. Energy requirements should be recognized for their environmental and economic impacts and should be minimized. Synthetic methods should be conducted at ambient temperature and pressure. A raw material or feedstock should be renewable rather than depleting whenever technically and economically practicable. Unnecessary privatization (blocking group, protection/ deprotection, temporary modification of physical/chemical processes) should be avoided whenever possible. Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric reagents. Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their function they do not persist in the environment and do break down into innocuous degradation products. Analytical methodologies need to be further developed to allow for real time, in-process monitoring and control before the formation of hazardous substances. Substances and the form of a substance used in a chemical process should be chosen to minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including releases, explosions, and fires. The term Green Chemistry, coined by staff at the US EPA in the 1990s, helped to bring focus to an increasing interest in developing more environmentally friendly chemical processes and products. An evaluation of how green a chemical reaction or a chemical process is seems to be best done in terms of the 12 principles that have been advocated by Anastas and Warner. These tenets deal with fundamental issues such as pollution prevention, atom economization and toxicity reduction. The essence of the 12 principles may be summarized as follows: Waste prevention instead of waste clean-up, atom economy as an important concern, design of environmentally friendly synthetic methodologies, design of safer chemicals, redundancy of auxiliary substances, conservation of energy, use of renewable feedstock, reduction of unnecessary derivatization , catalytic reactions instead of stoichiometric ones, debasement of final products after the end of their function, real-time analysis for pollution prevention and strategies for chemical accident prevention. Sustainable development- Sustainability in science and technology begins when we start thinking how to solve a problem or how to turn science into technology. Chemistry, as the science of matter and its transformation, plays a central role in this process and is the bridge between physics, material sciences and life sciences. Only chemical processes, which have reached after careful optimization a maximum in efficiency, will lead to more sustainable products and production. Scientists and engineers, who invent, develop and optimize such processes, therefore play a key role. Their awareness, creativity and looking ahead is needed to bring reactions and chemical processes to maximum efficiency. The term Green Chemistry has been coined for efforts towards this goal. Atom economy:- Atom economy means maximizing incorporation of material from the starting materials or reagents into the final products. It is essentially pollution prevention at molecular level. For example, a chemist practicing atom economy would choose to synthesis a needed product by putting together basic building blocks, rather than by breaking down a much larger starting material and discarding most of it waste. Atom economy is an important development beyond the traditionally taught concept of percent yield. Barry Trost, from Stanford University, published the concept of atom economy in science in 1991. In 1998 received the president green chemistry challenged award for his work. Atom economy answers the basic question, how much of what you put into your pot end up in your product. Calculation of Atom Economy Reactions in green chemistry- There are two types of reactions- Atom economic reactions. Atom un-economic reactions. In atom economic reactions there are another two type reactions Rearrangement reactions. Addition reactions. In atom un-economic reaction there are three type of reactions Substitution reaction. Elimination reaction. Witting reaction. Reducing toxicity- One of the underpinning principle of green chemistry is to design chemical product and process that use and produce less hazardous materials. Here hazardous cover all aspects, including toxicity, flammability, explosion potential, and environmental persistence. A hazard can be defined as situation that may lead to harm, whilst risk is the probability that harm will occur. From the point of view harm being caused by exposure to the chemical. Risk = Green analytical chemistry- The relationship between green chemistry and analytical chemistry can be treated in two ways. Analytical chemistry is a subject to control and justify green chemistry. This is where analytical chemistry is an efficient tool for confirmation of the green result of a chemical product or technology. On the other hand, chemical analysis methods need solvents, reagents, and energy, and they generate waste. The principles of green chemistry, suggested by Anastas and Warner, are directly related to analytical chemistry as well, the most important of them being prevention of waste generation; safer solvents and auxiliaries; design for energy efficiency; and Safer chemistry to minimize the potential of chemical accidents. In this way, analytical chemistry becomes an object of application of the principles of green Chemistry, and can be the target of a green chemistry approach similarly to other areas of chemistry and chemical technology. The term green analytical chemistry has been proposed by J. Namies ´nik in that several aspects of making analytical chemistry greener were discussed. The development of instrumental methods to replace wet chemistry in sample preparation and treatment is a general trend in analytical chemistry. Here, the main analytical result is related to an increase of analysis reliability, higher precision, and time saving, which very positively combines with a substantial reduction of waste. In most cases, the result of instrumental methods in analysis is a decrease in sample volume needed for analysis. Special efforts to integrate micro fluidics and processing in micro scale can substantially decrease the sample amount and accompanying generation of waste. In some cases, there is a choice of direct techniques of analysis (different laser-spectroscopic methods) or solvent less processes of analysis, which are green processes. However, in most cases, the samples under study are very complicated mixtures with interfering matrices not allowing the use of waste less method. The search for alternative solvents is an important step on the way of using greener methods. In This process, the main target should be not just the replacement, but introduction of an additional advantage from different properties of these solvents to improve the selectivity, sensitivity, and reliability of analysis, as well as reduce analysis time. The development of instrumental methods in general leads to an efficient use of energy, especially when the method is highly automated and uses a minimal amount of sample. The hyphenation of several methods for sample treatment and separation of components or integration of separation and complicated methods of detection enables an efficient use of energy. Additional energy saving is possible when a microwave treatment or even just microwave heating is incorporated into the process. An ultrasonic irradiation may also have a strong effect on several sample treatments. The development of photochemical methods is a highly green way in analytical chemistry as well. Most of the above-mentioned procedures also result in safer chemistry. In many cases of sample preparation and treatment, different chemical methods for derivatization and chemical modification of samples are still used. The search for less toxic compounds and processes with reduced waste generation should be an aim in the development of new methods. What can green chemistry do? Green chemistry is not a particular set of technologies, but rather an emphasis on the design  of chemical products and processes.   Sometimes, green chemistry takes place at the molecular level to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances. This approach offers environmentally beneficial alternatives to more hazardous chemicals and processes, and thus promotes pollution prevention. Green chemistry can lead to dramatic changes in how we interact with chemicals on a daily basis as in the case of the  2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis. The word metathesis means change-places. In metathesis reactions, double bonds are broken and made between carbon atoms in ways that cause atom groups to change places. This happens with the assistance of special catalyst molecules. Metathesis can be compared to a dance in which the couples change partners. Metathesis is used daily in the chemical industry, mainly in the development of pharmaceuticals and of advanced plastic materials. Thanks to the Laureates contributions, synthesis methods have been developed that are more efficient (fewer reaction steps, fewer resources required, less wastage), simpler to use (stable in air, at normal temperatures and pressures), and Environmentally friendlier (non-injurious solvents, less hazardous waste products). This represents a great step forward for green chemistry, reducing potentially hazardous waste through smarter production. Metathesis is an example of how important basic science has been applied for the benefit of man, society and the environment. The main question is that Why Green Chemistry? Green chemistry is effective in reducing the impact of chemicals on human health and the environment. In addition, many companies have found that it can be cheaper and even profitable to meet environmental goals. Profits derive from higher efficiency, less waste, better product quality, and reduced liability. Many environmental laws and regulations target hazardous chemicals, and following all these requirements can be complicated. But green chemistry allows companies to comply with the law in much simpler and cheaper ways. Finally, green chemistry is a fundamental science-based approach. Addressing the problem of hazard at the molecular level, it can be applied to all kinds of environmental issues. Since 1991, there have been many advances in green chemistry, in both academic research and industrial implementation. For example, Spinosad , an insecticide manufactured by fermenting a naturally occurring soil organism, was registered by the EPA as a reduced-risk insecticide in 1997. Spinosad does not leach, bioaccumulation, volatilize, or persist in the environment and in field tests left 70 to 90 percent of beneficial insects unharmed. It has a relatively low toxicity to mammals and birds and is slightly to moderately toxic to aquatic organisms, but is toxic to bees until it dries. In another advance, an industrial cleaning solvent, ethyl lactate, made from cornstarch and soybean oil was patented in 2000 and is competitively priced with petrochemical solvents. It biodegrades to carbon dioxide and water and has no known harmful effects for the environment, humans, or wildlife. These advances, however, represent an extremely small fraction of the potential applications of green che mistry. Because the products and processes that form the basis of the economy and infrastructure are based on the design and utilization of chemicals and materials, the challenges facing this field are enormous. What is the role of chemist in green chemistry? Chemist can use his knowledge of green chemistry and its benefits to justify research into cleaner and greener process. In most cases it is readily demonstrable that green chemistry approach involving reduction of waste, material and energy, will also lead to cost reductions and that this in turn will have a positive effect on profitability. In academia initiatives such as the engineering and physical sciences research council (EPSRC) Clean Technology Programme and the governments sustainable technology initiative have already encouraged professionals to enter this area. Although many of the technologies or tools required to make chemical manufacturing more sustainable are available, and indeed industry already making significant progress , much more can be achieved. In order to move forward chemist need to understand, and overcome the barrier s, both real and perceived, that exist to innovation in this area. In some cases a culture change may be required before the potential financial benefits are fully appreciated. Professional chemist also have a major role in helping to encourage all interested parties, including industry, customers, pressure groups, government, educationalist and researchers, to co-operate to ensure a cleaner and more sustainable future. Graph of published articles in journals- Examples of green chemistry- Lead-free solders and other products- Breakthroughs in the replacement of lead include use of new soldering materials, alternatives to lead additives in paint and the development of cleaner batteries. Bioplastics Plastics made from plants, including corn, potatoes or other agricultural products, even agricultural waste, are an important example of green chemistry. Products already available are forks, knives and spoons made from potato starch and biodegradable packaging made from corn. Flame resistant materials-Plastics that do not require the use of flame retardants are a solution to the problem of toxic flame retardants. A combination of polylactic acid and kenaf-two agriculturally products-has already been developed for this purpose. Halogen-free flame retardants- For products that still require the use of flame retardants, green chemistry can help identify new, less toxic alternatives. For example, silicone based materials can be used. Biopesticides also the good example of green chemistry- Biopesticides offer powerful tools to create a new generation of sustainable agriculture products. They are the most likely source for alternatives to some of the most problematic chemical pesticides currently in use. Biopesticides also offer solutions to concerns such as pest resistance to traditional chemical pesticides, public concern about side effects of pesticides on the surrounding environment and ultimately, on human health. Examples of Investigatory Projects in Green Chemistry- Effects of Detergent Phosphates on Plant Growth Because phosphates from household detergents seep into groundwater, a simulated effect can be investigated using a young pea plant and a solution of 90-percent water to 10-percent  laundry detergent  solution. Use two containers of pond water to simulate phosphates catalytic effect on algae growth by adding detergent solution to one container intermittently and using an unaltered container as a control. Record all observations qualitatively and quantitatively. Effect of Pollution on Biodiversity Use several terrariums made from local organisms, soils and water to investigate how pollution affects the amount of biodiversity in an ecosystem. Pollute terrariums by spraying diluted sulphuric acid into a terrarium to represent acid rain. Pollute another terrarium by carefully burning a birthday candle inside daily to represent smog. Leave one terrarium unpolluted to use as a control group. Record all observations qualitatively and quantitatively. Storm Water Geologically Filtered After a hard rain, water rushes into local waterways carrying many pollutants. Polluted water can be created by mixing water with small objects and dark colored dirt to represent different types of pollution. Devise a system of filtration using different sized grains of soil to create situations of altered porosities and permeability. Record all effects on pollution filtration qualitatively and quantitatively. Future products- PVC free cables  -will reduce the use of both PVC and of lead, which is used as a stabilizer in PVC cabling. The Toxic Use Reduction Institute has been working on this new solder. New lead-free solders  with lower heat requirements are being developed. Our new product development will focus on: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Polymeric solutions, big molecules à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reactive products that become bound to the final polymer à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Non-toxic small molecules à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Mineral products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Minimizing the life cycle of products that remain in the environment   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Improving recyclability à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Implementing measures throughout the supply chain to minimize emissions of persistent compounds à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Engaging distributors, customers and competitors in programs, such as VECAP, to eliminate all harmful products from the environment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Continuing to advise consumers of the important of sustainable products. Some basic ways in which we go about green product development Selection of reagents with lowest toxicity Choice of catalysts that would provide highest reaction yield, thus minimizing waste Choosing the right form of energy to maximize reaction efficiency Precise calculations to predict with just two to three experiments how the reaction can be optimized, as well as the two or three preferable solvents for that reaction Identification of potential hazards before conducting the reaction. Specific parameters such as heat of the reaction are studied. Values of Green Chemistry in Innovation, Application and Technology: Indian Scenario- Green chemistry focuses on the reduction, recycling, and/or elimination of the use of toxic and hazardous chemicals in production processes by finding creative, alternative routes for making the desired products that minimize the impact on the environment. Green chemistry is a more eco-friendly green alternative to conventional chemistry practices. The green chemistry movement is part of a larger movement ultimately leading to a green economy- namely sustainable development, sustainable business and sustainable living practices. Green chemistry can contribute to achieving sustainability in three key areas. First, renewable energy technologies will be the central pillar of a sustainable high-technology civilization. Second, the reagents used by the chemical industry. Third, polluting technologies must be replaced by benign alternatives. The aim of the article is to acquaint the academicians, researchers, scientists and engineers with values and positive impact of green Chemistry in in novation, application and Technology. The green chemistry wave has reached our country too. We need to work for its betterment by encouraging the practices of green chemistry. Collaborations between industrial and academic partners are important to expedite the transfer of significant green products to the marketplace. For such collaborations to be successful, individuals in these two differently motivated cultures need to work together to advance green science. Governments could undoubtedly facilitate formation of more effective industrial/academic partnerships. Under an agreement with the Green Chemical Institute, University of Delhi has been accepted as an international chapter. The Indian chapter will promote green chemistry through education, information collection and dissemination, research and international collaboration via conferences, workshops, meeting and symposia.   In India, although there is growing awareness about the ill effects of pollution, promotion of continual introduction of environmentally friendly products a methodologies in the chemical industry needs to be furthered. Usage of nonconventional technologies is highly popular in India. First in this list is the usage of microwaves. Further, the microwave chemists are turning their attention toward microwave-assisted dry-media reactions in order to minimize solvent usage, an added advantage to already established microwave chemistry. In addition to microwave-assisted reactions, ultrasonic and photochemical reactions are also used as nonconventional reaction technology. Analytical chemistry has been at the center of the green chemistry movement. Advances in analytical chemistry are key to environmental protection. In India, the focus for analytical chemistry is mainly on extraction technologies such as solid phase, ultrasound and microwave, supercritical fluid extraction, and automated s oxhlet extraction. Monitoring and analysis of heavy metals and pesticides is very important for an agro economy-based country like India and chief governmental institutes like the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) are working extensively in this field. Further removing of these elements from industrial and agrochemical usage is of prime importance for these. Some recent developments and examples in green chemistry- Chemists from all over the world are using their creative and innovative skills to develop new processes, synthetic methods, analytical tools, reaction conditions, catalysts, etc. under the new green chemistry cover. Some of these are. A continuous process and apparatus converts waste biomass into industrial chemicals, fuels and animal feed. Another process converts waste biomass such as municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, plastic, tires and agricultural residues to useful products, including hydrogen, ethanol and acetic acid. A method for mass producing taxol by semi continuous culture of Taxus genus plant. A fermentation method for the production of carboxylic acids. A method of partially oxidizing alcohol such as methanol to ethers, aldehydes, esters or acids, by using a supercritical fluid mobile. A process for producing a fluoropolymer by using supercritical carbon dioxide. A cost-effective method of producing ethyl lactate, a non-toxic solvent derived from corn. A range of organic solvents that are worker friendly and environmentally sound. A new environmentally friendly technology in mixed metals recovery from spent acid wastes has been used to recover zinc and ferrous chloride from pickle liquor. The demand for non-ionic surfactants is growing and a new example of this is alkyl glycoside, which is made from saccharide. This product can be used as a replacement for alkyl aryl sulphonate anionic surfactants in shampoos. Sodium silicate can be used as a more environmentally benign replacement for phosphorus-containing additives in washing powder. Three coconut oil soap bases for liquid cleansing applications have been developed. One of these products has very light color and low odor, making it suitable for introducing dyes and fragrances. Feedstock recycling  of plastic wastes into valuable chemicals useful as fuels or raw materials. Developing Countries and Green Chemistry- In developing countries, the introduction of green chemistry is still in a stage of infancy, despite the significant need and the significant role green chemistry can play. Many of the practices in developing countries are still far from the concepts of safety, pollution prevention and design of energy efficiency. Environmental pollution and waste generation are some of the aching problems many developing countries are suffering from. Many of the reasons behind these problems lie in policies and strategies adopted that are based on end-of pipe treatment, rather than pollution prevention at source or implementing life cycle thinking in handling waste problems. Most frequently, income generation activities are dependent on an efficient use of energy and other resources such as water, which may pose some serious problems to future generations. The United Nations reporting on the millennium development goals at a country level indicated a high level of energy consumption and limited energy resources in most of the developing countries. The report strongly recommends the imperative need to ration the use of energy resources in these countries and to implement energy conservation policies. The same trend of difficulties developing countries face has been illustrated in the series of country reports produced by the rural development at the water and environment department of the World Bank. Sustainable chemistry could play a pivotal role in salvaging many of the ailing conditions that many of the developing countries are subjected to. The use of solar energy, introduction of sustainable farming, recycling, and the implementation of life cycle thinking and life cycle analysis as a management tool for some of the chronic issues such as municipal waste management, are some few examples of how green chemistry can benefit developing communities. Green chemistry can also have a very strong impact on water sufficiency issues in that part of the developing world where water resources is the most vital issue. It is through the implementation of cleaner production and use of safe and biodegradable chemicals that a huge volume of wastewater could be reused to quench the emerging, critical need of water in many of these countries. Government Initiatives- Government can do a lot of good for the cause of green chemistry by increasing public awareness and by bringing and enforcing strict environmental legislations. One of the recent and controversial examples of government initiative is the conversion of diesel vehicles to compressed natural gas (CNG) in order to reduce pollution. Relocation of industries into industrial areas away from residential parks is another bold step taken by the Delhi government. Further, the government is also concentrating on new projects such as fuel pellets from municipal waste, aspirated H-cylinder engines for light commercial vehicles (LCVs), meeting India 2000 emission norms, battery-powered cars for pollution-free driving, hydrogen energy and energy towers for new environment-friendly fuel, development of traditional herbal drugs as adapt gens a immunomodulators. The government should also increase funding to encourage research in green chemistry. By introducing green chemistry education at all levels, the government can build a solid foundation toward green chemistry in India.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Toni Morrison's â€Å"The Bluest Eye† set in post-WWI, Lorain, Ohio, narrates the lives surrounding Pecola Breedlove, a young black girl who wishes to be beautiful. Influenced greatly by her relationship with her mother, Pauline, Pecola adapts to a world of unworthiness and unattainable expectations beauty. Their mother/daughter relationship is just one of many examples throughout the novel further pinpoint its related themes of self worth and ugliness, both physically and mentally. An analysis of the relationship between Pauline and Pecola Breedloves—their contributions and conflicts—is used to highlight the theme of which the author is trying to express. A relationship, such as one between a mother and daughter, should be the last thing to be described as hateful, disconnected, or troubled—only in the case of Pauline and Pecola Breedlove, it was just that. The two were as distant as could be achieved while living under the same roof, â€Å"adults do not talk to us—they give us directions. They issue orders without providing information† (10). Pecola was merely a maid in her own house, expected to preform the daily chores whilst her mother was at work. The distance was a creation of Pauline's, even long before the birth of her children. Several unfortunate events in Pauline's life lead her to immerse herself in a fictitious world where she strove to be part of the most beautiful race around—white. Pauline frequently visited picture shows that portrayed only white actors and actresses (not uncommon for the 1930's). â€Å"White men taking such good care of they woman, and they all dressed up in big clean h ouses with the bathtubs right in the same room with the toilet. Them pictures gave me a lot of pleasure, but it made coming home hard, and lo... ...y allowed her to believe that she was finally beautiful. In summation, the relationship between Pauline and Pecola Breedlove in Toni Morrison's â€Å"The Bluest Eye† is filled with angst, hate, and disapproval. As one of the most prominent relationships in the novel, it is simple to determine the influence Pauline had over Pecola. Pecola's mental downfall, caused by her mother's constant neglect, highlights the theme of nature of beauty. It is this subjective beauty that the novel focuses on. Pecola Breedlove's constant alienation and ridicule from the people around her slowly broke her down further. Her lack of Pauline as a mother figure and the reflection of her mother's own self-hatred, spirals Pecola into insanity. From Toni Morrison, it can be gathered that beauty, mentally and physically, is carefully critiqued in the world and is the basis for judgment of others.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Slavery In The United States Essays -- Slavery Essays

Throughout this course we learned about slavery and it's effects on our country and on African Americans. Slavery and racism is prevalent throughout the Americas before during and after Thomas Jefferson's presidency. Some people say that Jefferson did not really help stop any of the slavery in the United States. I feel very differently and I will explain why throughout this essay. Throughout this essay I will be explaining how views of race were changed in the United States after the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, and how the events of the Jeffersonian Era set the stage for race relations for the nineteenth century. "Nobody wishes more ardently to see an abolition, not only of the trade, but of the condition of slavery; and certainly, nobody will be more willing to encounter every sacrifice for that object." (Thomas Jefferson to Brissot de Warville, 1788. ME 6:428) Thomas Jefferson said this to Brissot de Warville in 1788 explaining his view on slavery in the United States. This was both positive and negative for Thomas Jefferson, in many ways. He was very positive in the abolition of slavery in the United States because Jefferson says he would do anything to stop slavery, and the slave trade in the States. Thomas Jefferson had a theory that the United States could use part of the coast of Africa, and it would be used as an establishment where African American who were in the states would be moved. Jefferson sees this as the best way to deal with the slavery issue. Jefferson thinks this is a good idea because when the African Americans got back to Africa they would take the things they learned w ile they were enslaved here and us them back in Africa. Thomas Jefferson saw this as retribution to the African Americans for all that t... ...nows that slavery would have ripped our great country into two sides, one for slavery and one against slavery. He knew that our county would not have survived it we had slavery in it and through his speech he shows it. Throughout this essay I explained the movie Amistad and how race relations were seen throughout the movie. This movie really helps people see how horrible it was for African Americans back in 1839-1842. The movie showed the bias that this country had against people from Africa and how horrible our country treated slaves. Through John Quince Adams speech it stated how the problem was going to be fixed, and that was through a civil war. Citations

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How do the Writers Show a Clash of Cultures in Dead man’s path and the Train from Rhodesia Essay

In Dead man’s path, there is a new headmaster who is educated and over ambitious and wants to turn his under-achieving school into a modern, top quality institution. He says â€Å"everything shall be just modern and delightful†. There is an old path that the villagers use to communicate to spirits and for babies to enter the world which the headmaster closes as it runs through his school. He is unwilling to allow the villagers to use the path and he is inconsiderate about their beliefs. This is shown when he says â€Å"we cannot allow people to make a highway of our school compound†. He is patronising and doesn’t care about how other people feel as he says â€Å"the whole purpose of our school is to eradicate such beliefs†. Whereas the villagers try to compromise and they are more understanding. This is shown when the village chief says â€Å"what you say may be true, but we follow the practices of our fathers†. The writer shows a clash of cultures because there is a young, modern and sophisticated headmaster who disregards traditional beliefs and there are traditional villagers who rely on the path for religious customs. When a woman dies in child birth, the villagers believe the spirits are angry. This is shown when it says â€Å"heavy sacrifices were prescribed to propitiate ancestors insulted by the fence†. They blame the headmaster for closing the path, so they vandalise the school compound. This is shown when it says â€Å"flowers were trampled to death, and one of the school buildings were pulled down†. The writer also shows a clash of cultures when there is a white supervisor who comes to inspect the school. This is because he is shown to be very important and superior to the black Africans who do the work for the white people who in turn make the profits. This is shown when it says â€Å"the white supervisor came to inspect the school and wrote a nasty report of the state of the premises and of the tribal-war situation developing between the school and the village.† In The Train from Rhodesia, there is a train which stops briefly in a small station in the desert. There are some very poor people living near the station and they rely on the visitors from the train to buy there goods, so they can make a living. They are shown to be very poor because it says the children walk barefoot and live in mud huts. This is shown because it says â€Å"the stationmaster’s barefoot children wandered over from the grey mud huts.† They also don’t seem have enough food, because their animals are skinny and bony. This is shown because it says â€Å"chickens and dogs with their skins stretched like parchment over their bones.† When the train comes into the station, all the villagers waste no time, to sell their goods to the tourists. This is shown because it says â€Å"all up and down the length of the train in the dust the artists sprang, walking bent to exhibit the fantasy held towards the faces on the train.† This shows how much the villagers depend on the train. A young lady notices a wooden lion carved with incredible detail, and looks very realistic. This is shown when it says â€Å"a lion, carved out of soft dry wood with impressionistic detail.† The lady’s husband bargains with the old man selling the lion and buys it for much lower than he was asking for, just as the train was about to go. The young lady is unhappy with her husband for buying the lion at such a low price. This is because she says â€Å"why didn’t you pay for it? Why did you have to wait for him to run after the train with it and give him one-and-six? One-and-six! The writer shows a clash of cultures because the villagers are shown to be very poor and dependant on the train and also beg for money. This is shown because it says â€Å"give me penny, said the ones with nothing to sell.† The villagers are desperate. This is shown when the old man decides to sell his lion for one-and-six. It says â€Å"questioning for the last time at the widows, here one-and-six baas!† whereas the people in the train are very well off compared to the villagers and to them the cost of the villagers goods is not very much and bargain for fun, but the villagers are dependant on anything they can get. This is shown when the young man says â€Å"I was arguing for fun, when the train pulled out, he came tearing after†¦one-and-six†. The young lady realises how well off she is and feels the shame of buying the lion for one-and-six. This is shown when it says â€Å"To give one-and-six for that, she sat there, sick, and the heat of shame mounted through her legs and body.†

Monday, September 16, 2019

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Essay

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Essay Prompt 2: Many of the characters in One Day in the Life represent specific human qualities and the suitability or value of those qualities for the life in the camps. What characters does Shukov view positively and why? Who are the flawed characters and what are their failings? What about their life before the camps hurts or helps their chances of survival once inside? In assessing these people, what does Shukov reveal about his own values?In Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, the main character Ivan Denisovich Shukov is an inmate serving his eighth year in a Russian labor camp. Shukov had been sentenced to ten years and three days (the three days are make-up days to compensate for leap years) for supposedly being a Nazi spy (182). In reality, he had been imprisoned by the Germans and somehow managed to escape. In the eyes of the Soviets, those who did escape were considered Nazi spies; thus, Shuk ov was forced to admit that he was a spy in order to live (70).Solzhenitsyn further describes Shukov’s traits as well as the characteristics of the people he comes in contact with on a daily basis in this novel. Ivan Denisovich Shukov is part of a work gang, who is referred to as Gang 104. In this work gang, Shukov associates with many men—including those whom he views positively as well as some whom he views negatively. Alyoshka the Baptist, Senka Klevshin, Andrei Prokofyevich Tyurin, Pavlo, Jan Kildigs, Tsezar Markovich, Gopchik and Captain Buynovsky are all whom Shukov views positively and are either part of Gang 104 or are somehow associated with the work gang.Although there are many of whom Shukov views positively, there is also one in particular whom he views negatively, Fetyukov. These men all have specific human qualities that may help or harm them in their chances of survival in the labor camps. Alyoshka the Baptist and Senka Klevshin are two of whom Shukov vi ews positively, but in different ways. They are both quiet men who have been sentenced for 25 years in the labor camps, but for different reasons. Alyoshka was sentenced just for being a Baptist and Klevshin was sentenced because he had been with the Americans for a mere two days (45,126).Shukov views Alyoshka in a positive manner because he is an extremely optimistic and generous person despite his surroundings. He does favors for everyone and does whatever asked of him without complaint (109). Alyoshka sees prison as a good thing since he claims that he has time to focus on and think about his soul. These positive thoughts will help Alyoshka’s chances in prison because he will be extremely resilient to any harsh conditions. Klevshin is also favored by Shukov because of the loyalty he shows to his fellow workmates.His loyalty to Shukov was notable especially when he purposely ran slowly in order for Shukov to catch up to him leaving the Power Station work site (114). Shukov knew that Klevshin would rather be in trouble along with Shukov instead of letting him get punished on his own (114). This kind of loyalty will help Klevshin in camp life because he will gain a considerable amount of respect from other workmates. Andrei Prokofyevich Tyurin and Pavlo are two foremen of Gang 104—both whom Shukov views positively and respects.The foremen are both strict and caring people whom have gained much respect from the inmates they watch over. Tyurin is described as a fierce and smart leader who saw that the men were well fed and had good rations (46). These foremen’s traits keep the men in Gang 104 better off than the rest and inspire them to work harder for their gang. Two others whom Shukov respect are Jan Kildigs and Tsezar Markovich. These men are both rich and receive bimonthly parcels.Jan Kildigs is a Latvian bricklayer who is loved for his sense of humor (56). Shukov respected Kildigs because he worked with pride—he did not like to r ush his work and enjoyed taking his time to do things right (109). Tsezar was highly regarded by Shukov because of his character—he was respectful and trustworthy (48). The two men have a high chance of survival in the labor camps because they gave all the right people a handout and bribery worked wonders in the camp (48). Gopchik and Captain Buynovsky were also favored by Shukov.Gopchik was only about sixteen years old and was jailed for bringing milk to Ukrainian guerillas (63). He was very crafty and Shukov felt that he had potential to be a good camp dweller (149). Gopchik was smart and Shukov thought highly of him, even saying that he has potential to have a good job in the camp, such as a bread cutter (150). Gopchik’s craftiness would give him a high chance of survival as compared to others. One of the â€Å"others† would be Captain Buynovsky, who seems to be in a state of denial.He is a proud man who as an ex-Captain who according to Shukov, had no idea h ow to look after himself. However, he is diligent and works hard—which Shukov admires him for. Fetyukov, on the other hand, is a scavenger whom Shukov views negatively. Fetyukov was a leech and beggar who did everything in his power for extra food and cigarette butts (31). Many, including Shukov, pitied him at times but also despised his actions. Fetyukov was lazy and made work easier for himself by cheating.For example, while carrying mortar, he would purposely splash some out of his handbarrow so that it would be lighter to carry (101). Fetyukov further degraded himself by begged for food which at times backfired. He was greedy and scrounged for extra bread or other types of food and was even beaten by the Guards for licking bowls in the mess hall (163). In Shukov’s eyes, people like Fetyukov would only survive by relying on others’ pity and generosity towards him. Shukov also found ways to benefit himself, but he did so with dignity and pride, unlike Fetyukov .Instead of begging for tobacco or food, Shukov would work for his share or discretely hint that he wanted something regardless of how much he actually wanted it. For example, when it came to tobacco, Shukov would merely just stand next to someone smoking, and without saying anything, the smoker would ask if he wanted the butt of his cigarette (26). Shukov also worked for his tobacco by making slippers from rags or patching jerkins (156). He also haggled his way into getting a larger share of tobacco from those selling it (158).Shukov not only worked for his tobacco, but also for his food. He would volunteer to wait in line for people in hope that they will give him their share of food, in which most of the time, they did (142). Ivan Denisovich Shukov was a proud man who was competitive and meticulous in his work ethics. The best example of his pride and competitiveness would be when he says that â€Å"he’d feel pretty sore if others in the village got ahead of him (44). â⠂¬  Shukov was a skilled carpenter who was proud of his work and enjoyed doing things correctly.He would correct others when they were doing something wrong, such as cutting tarred paper incorrectly (64). He also showed how meticulous he was by straightening others’ work and by carefully selecting his own cinder blocks to fit into spaces perfectly (110). Shukov worked quickly, was a very hard worker and stayed behind to finish his and others’ jobs because he felt that he could not let anyone’s work go to waste (113). Ivan Denisovich Shukov acquainted himself with many people who helped him discover himself and his limits when it came to survival.He did not want to degrade himself by begging like Fetyukov had done but he instead found a way to benefit himself by not even asking directly. He discovered that regardless of his tough situations, he still found himself quite optimistic and proud of his work. Those whom he views positively and respected became a type of role model for him and he learned from them. He also learned from those whom he thought of negatively in such a way that he would never stoop down to their level. He was a proud person and kept his pride throughout his time at the labor camp.